Saturday, March 28, 2009

Iraq vets challenge KBR contract in Hays County, TX

Thanks to the Austin American-Statesman for printing this story on the front page of today's Metro section. Iraq war vets, Bryan Hannah and Greg Foster testified this week before Hays County Commissioners about the record of KBR contractors in Iraq, asking commissioners to delay the decision to award a local road contract to KBR in order to give more time to consider the implications of supporting KBR with tax money.

Along with citing the deaths of US soldiers due to faulty electrical wiring by KBR contractors in Iraq and soldiers' exposure to carcinogens in a KBR water project, Bryan and Greg also spoke about KBR's record of bribery and its suppression of reports about rape and sexual assault committed by its employees against its employees.

See this link to video of Bryan and Greg's testimony.

Greg and Bryan both spoke at the Winter Soldier hearing held in Austin last month. If you missed the link last time, here is an excellent article about the regional Winter Soldier proceedings.

"I regret 3 minutes is not long enough to inform you of the magnitude of this company's transgressions against this nation."
-- Bryan Hannah, speaking before Hays County Commissioners about KBR

"Let's see if we can find a way to get our road built without giving money to companies that profit from the deaths of American soldiers and the rapes of their own employees."
-- Greg Foster, speaking before Hays County Commissioners about KBR

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